Sunday, July 31, 2016

Sharing and Listing

So ..... just got back from a lovely trip through the British Isles and am listening to the whirring of the washing machine as I begin the dreaded task of unpacking and laundry. Our cruise was a once in a lifetime deal - places I probably will never see again so we were soaking in the sites and sounds of the beautiful landscapes of England, Ireland, Scotland and even a little snippet of France. Vacations to me are a wonderful time to explore new places, take tons of photos, hangout with my hubby and our good friends and -of course- READ (when ever I can slip in a few quite minutes)!

On this particular trip I read two very different books. The first one is one that I had heard a great deal about from several friends. It's a Non-fiction book - The Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell. It details the story of success - what factors contribute to becoming successful and research into the lives of successful people. I found it to be very interesting and applicable to education. I have to admit that I did put it down before finishing every last page but it is a really a very good book if you are trying to expand your reading genres and branch out of the fiction section.

But I do love a good story and the next book on the cruise was The Light Between Oceans by M.L. Stedman. Love It - a little slow to get me attached but once the story got flowing I was hooked. I hate when I read a review of a book and too much of the story is shared - doesn't that drive you crazy? I promise that I will not do that! I will just tell you that it is a tear-jerker at times, frustrating at times and well written the entire time! Since this blog is intended for me and my family of readers I just want to say that it would be a great one for us to share and discuss. Come borrow my copy- this one is NOT on my Kindle.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Say CHEESE!!! Book Night was cheesy and fun!

After a long hiatus our book club is back in full swing and THE PARIS WIFE was a great start!! Our numbers were few but the food and conversation was aplenty. I had the honor of hosting the evening  so we started with a traditional (sort of) cheese and grape platter. I had a cute gal at Harmons give a brief lesson on French cheeses so we sampled a few tasty ones. Of course we had to have Brie and Camembert but we also tasted Basque and Fontina. We munched on a Chicken Pasta salad that had a most delightful dressing and ended the meal with mini Creme Brulee to celebrate Christine's upcoming birthday.

DELISH DISH! Each person had a photo of someone associated with Hemingway's life so as we enjoyed the cheesy appetizer we discussed these characters and the role they played in our book. Here are a few of the photos - see if you know who they are!!

 It was a fun night as we discussed Hadley's choices and the attitudes of the 1920's. It was unanimous that none of us are fans of Pauline but were quite curious about her and the other wives of that scoundrel Ernest. A great follow-up book is A Moveable Feast which is Ernest's memories of his life with Hadley and his years in Paris. It was a really great book to get our little book club started again.

And so it has...and we are all so happy to be reading together again! Mom is our wonderful example - she has given each one of us a love for reading and sharing good books with one another. Get ready for next month's book - with Mom at the helm we have selected ......Drum roll please...........
THE 100-YEAR-OLD MAN WHO CLIMBED OUT THE WINDOW AND DISAPPEARED by Jonas Jonasson. Long title but doesn't it sound intriguing?? Grab your copy and get reading - we will meet in May so you have plenty of time. Don't miss out on a fun night with the WELLS WOMEN!


Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Where Oh Where Did Our Little Book Club Go?

Life gets so busy - but that is no excuse for the complete and utter demise of our Little Book Club! Reading is a powerful thing that can transport us to new and exciting places and teach us new things - who doesn't want that??

So as the unofficial spokesperson for this here blog I am declaring the Wells Women's Book Club back in business. 
I know that so many of our younger members have very busy lives with all of our new little people (and some soon to arrive)! BUT please know that you are always welcome to join us at any time if you are so inspired to read our selected books!!
With that being said, we are starting things up with a great one - 

The Paris Wife by Paula McLain!! The Paris Wife is a fictionalized account of Ernest Hemingway's marriage to Hadley Richardson, the first of his four wives. If you have always been intrigued by Ernest and his wild lifestyle here is your chance to learn a bit more about him. I ran the idea past Grandma Bean and she thought it sounded like it might be a good one to get us going again. Has anyone read it already?

Here are the specifics -

1. Our February/March 2016 book is The Paris Wife by Paula McLain.

2. We will meet to discuss the book at Suzy Elton John's home at a soon to be determined date in March. Food is never optional - it is mandatory! 

3. Everyone is welcome to read with us but there is no pressure! 

4. We will rotate who picks the book and who hosts the event every 2 months.

5. At each meeting we will have a book exchange where we can lend out our reading libraries to one another. 

SOUNDS like something you would like to be a part of?? I KNOW ---it will be so fun!

Please respond on our FB message page or here on the blog to let us know that you read this and if you are interested in our February selection!  

SEJ (Did you figure this one out?)

Friday, March 23, 2012

a simple, short story by aimee bender

click HERE! to read one of haley's favorite short stories!

And be sure to check out THIS LINK for a possible choice for the next book: Aimee Bender's The Particular Sadness of Lemon Cake

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Flavia is Awesome - Girl Power to the Max!!

I hope all of our readers are enjoying a romp through the English countryside with Flavia! Isn't she a hoot!!???
Her dialog is hilarious!
I found this funny little ditty on youtube and wanted to share it before our evening together. Now I know that the voice is much too sophisticated for our 11 year old heroine but still ........ fun to watch!

Monday, March 5, 2012

Our March Selection.....Drum Roll, Please!!!!

We have our title for this month and it is a great one!!! Grandma Wells has a copy if you need one! I just started reading it this weekend - liking it so far!!
It would be great if we could get it read and get together while Haley is in town for her Spring Break. That's March 21 - 28!!! Can we do it? - Yes, we can! Plan on meeting at the Larsen Residence - let me know what days are best! It will be so fun to get together again - now go read you some Flavia!!! And watch out for the body in the garden!!!!